We are the athletic or daily wear brand company that has kept the original quality, the customer's satisfaction, and the stable values for more than half century.

n the late 1930s, the period of the world economic crisis, FELCO was bone in the city of New York as the athlete's wear maker. Since then, the company has supported all sports players from the students to the professionals. All of our classic items, the T-shirts, the letter-man jacket, the baseball shirts, the coach jacket, the cap, and etc, has been made from high-quality, originally developed, and varied colors cotton, wool, and nylon materials.

During 1970s when the world started to asset their rights and the clothing companies started obtaining their own licenses or Trademarks, we were able to make the contract of being the official label with MLB, NBA, and any other professional sports organizations by being appreciated our brand value.

We are the athletic or daily wear brand company that has kept the original quality, the customer's satisfaction, and the stable values for more than half century. And the brand values keep continuing for the next century and so on.

Our Cotton fabric used for US Tubular Knit should be specially mentioned. It is made by the old knitting machine which remains only a few in the US, and the vintage?like slab appears on the surface of it. The box silhouette and the classical color variations are represented the good-old American wear.


特筆すべきは、丸胴(US TUBULAR KNIT)のコットン生地。アメリカ国内に数台しか残っていないと言われる、古いニッティングマシーンで編まれたコットン生地の表面には、ヴィンテージライクな独特のスラブ感が現れる。ボックス型のシルエット、クラシカルなカラーバリエーションでオールドアメリカンな雰囲気を再現している。